englishAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
mathematicsAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
commerceAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
accountingAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
biologyAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
physicsAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
chemistryAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
englishlitAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
governmentAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
crkAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
geographyAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
economicsAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
irkAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
civileduAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
insuranceAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
currentaffairsAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions
historyAttempt 40 questions from a pool of 1500 past questions